A number of the players have reported over the year about various sevens matches.
We've just received news about their first match of the tournament. Before playing they had the wonderful opportunity to talk with Gordon Tietjens the famous sevens coach for New Zealand. How special is that!! Their first game saw them win against Cambridge Middle School, the final score was 50 - 0.
They are now preparing to play Whanagarei in approximately 10 minutes. Wishing you all the best boys, heads down and play hard.
We've attached footage from a sevens game last term with Ferguson Intermediate. We hope to bring you action from the tournament soon.
Pt England v's Ferguson Intermediate from SchoolTV on Vimeo.
Game 1: Cambridge Middle School. Win 50 - 0
Game 2: Whangarei Intermediate. Win 32 - 5
Game 3: Bethlehem College. Win 79 - 0
Game 4: Kaitaia Intermediate to come...